Isia has just recently blossomed into a three-year-old, which means she now has more and more words everyday to go with her opinions. And, bless her heart, she has lots of opinions. About her snacks, what she wants to wear, do, read, play, etc. Usually I can go along, or compromise grandly, with her opinions but sometimes I can't. For instance, she shares a room with her baby brother right now and that's not going to change for awhile. But wouldn't it be fun, I ventured, to design a room of your own? Yes, she thought. And so we did.
Busy at work gluing the backs of her pictures. If you haven't started to stock up yet, now is the best time to invest in glue sticks. There are always great back-to-school deals on them. I'm sure there's a more eco-friendly option out there, but it's hard to beat their endearing convenience and mess-free qualities.
*Thank you Virginia Woolf!
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