July 16, 2012

create (with kids): plastic lid printmaking

As I've shared before, I am trying to limit art supply purchases this year and focus instead on using up what we already have. It's been hard, because I keep seeing beautiful art ideas that would only require "this or that"- but it's been really good for me too. Not only do we have lots of art supplies already, but it's encouraged me to keep seeing everything as a potential art material. For example, who knew you could combine a plastic lid and a tissue paper roll to get this? 

I kept looking at our plastic lid collection and seeing potential containers. But, I wondered, what could they hold? Since I have a growing collection of tissue paper rolls too, I wanted to incorporate them in some way. 

I decided the best way was to fit the tissue paper rolls into the lids. I flattened the tissue paper tubes and cut them into segments approximately the same height as the lid's rim. Then we filled our plastic lids with a thin layer of glue, and began to add in our tissue paper segments.

Isia did a really nice job of adding pieces in. She would say she was finished, then I would offer her another one to fit in and she would figure out a home for it. This meant curling some, as well as sticking some in on their sides. This is a great spatial activity for little ones- as well as big ones too (smile).

Since we wanted to print with them, I placed paper on top of them and put them underneath some heavy books to help them dry flat. 

Then we were ready to print! We used stencil brushes to cover the plate with paint, which worked but I think there's a better way to get a quick, even coat of paint. (Hmm)

We laid our painted plate on top of our paper, than rubbed and beat on the top of it. Then Isia beat on it a little bit more, just for good measure. Pick up your plate, and your print is done.

Now all that beating did tend to move the plate a little. If you prefer your prints non-jumpy, consider laying your plate painted-side-up on the table and laying your paper directly on top. With a little gentle rubbing, with your hands or the back of a large wooden spoon, you should have a print you can successfully peel off and hang up to admire. 

Or you can always paint on it some more, just because you can. 

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