December 12, 2012

create (Mama): a week of gifting

Confession. I've had create an earring hanger on my list for, well, over a year now. I saw some beautiful ideas on Pinterest, but they all involved leaving my house for this or that. And the only thing that's motivated me to leave my house lately is fabric shopping. I want to be at home crafting and listening to holiday music in my cozy wool socks with a pot of tea at hand. Has this image of perfection actually happened lately? Not really- more like little bits of hurried elving here or there while a little one is happily playing or sleeping- but maybe someday.

Anyways, when I created that sewing hoop out of potato bags (shared yesterday, here) for Isia I realized I had also come up with the perfect idea for my earring hanger. So one more bag of potatoes and embroidery hoop later...

a few of my earrings were finally organized and not just in a pile. (And I'll find time soon to untangle the rest of my earrings from my jewelry pile to join them.) I created it just like the sewing hoop, making sure to align the loops of the bag vertically for when I hung it. After tightening the hoop I made the bag's surface more taunt by lightly pulling on the overhang. Then I trimmed the overhang to neaten it up in the back. At this point you could run a bead of glue in the back seam to help keep the fabric secure, but I haven't had any issues with it so far. I did decide, however, that it needed some  decoration. 



It needed to match my button frame, here, that also hangs in my closet. The buttons all came to me via my Grandma, tin button box and all. I adhered them with hot glue, then threaded a string through the hoop's spring a few times to create a hanging loop. I think it looks pretty outstanding for a potato sack. And not having to untangle earrings first thing in the morning? That's definitely worth it's weight in potatoes (wink). Maybe someone in your life could also use the gift of organization?

Please join us this week as we share the simple, handmade gifts we're making 
this season- perfect for the giving (and keeping!).

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