December 11, 2012

create (with kids): a week of gifting

You will not believe what I used to make today's gifting- potato bags and embroidery hoops!  I've had the embroidery hoops on hand since I was a little girl. (One of them even still had the price tag on it, a whooping 15 cents!) The potato bags from our local grocery and held sweet potatoes in a former life. I've had them on hand for awhile just sitting on top of my counter, awaiting inspiration.


Then one day I was thinking about little ones and sewing. And I was trying to come up with something I had on hand that could be easily used for sewing practice... like potato bags. I wasn't sure if they would work in the hoop, but they did. Of course, I had to hand them over to Isia Louise just to make sure. 



The large size of the hole made it easy for her to poke her needle through. And when she had used up all her yarn, they helped me undo her sewing (quickly!) for her to sew her next masterpiece. The netting did get loose after a few enthusiastic sewing sessions, but I left a generous allowance around the edges for the taking apart and putting back together again. Wouldn't this be a great prize for the aspiring little sewer in your life? 

Please join us this week as we share the simple, handmade gifts we're making 
this season- perfect for the giving (and keeping!).

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