January 9, 2013

create (a life): middle of the week

Middle of the Week

Middle of the Week

This week I am...

...packing up the last of the holiday decorations, little by little.

...procrastinating about putting up the tree. I'm still enjoying its cozy glow.

...surprised that Cory is sharing my reluctance. Usually he's ready for the holidays to be packed away by New Year's Eve! (wink)

...amused that, in the midst of my post-holiday minimizing, I hid my pillow fabric from myself.

...happy that I finally found it today. In my wisdom I had filled a bag with all my projects to work on next- then forgot all about it. (Ahem)

...dreaming about new pillows for our couches. Soon, very soon.

...amazed at the warm weather predictions for later this week, with possible highs in the 50's.

...hoping the snow comes to visit again soon, I still have a hot chocolate recipe to perfect!

What up-coming projects are you dreaming about?

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