January 14, 2013

create (with kids): Birdseed Ornaments

When our kitchen flooded right before the holidays, and I had to pack up all of our gifts (and gifts-in-the-making) to arrive at my parent's house four days ahead of schedule, I knew several things were not going to get done. This stressed me out at first, but then it gave me the opportunity to appreciate some things that I was taking for granted. I felt a need, partly fueled by Pinterest, to make this an especially cozy, tradition-laden holiday for my kids. Then I realized, it already was. That the holiday cards we send out each year are a tradition. That the tree-trimming, with each ornament's story, is a tradition. That the gift-wrapping, stockings, cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning- they're all traditions too. And I never looked at them that way, because they're just those things we do year after year... which is exactly what a tradition is, right? It was a good lesson to learn coming into the New Year, that sometimes what I'm already doing is enough. There were a few things, however, that I really did want to get the chance to make- even if I had to wait until after the holidays. These birdseed ornaments were one of them, and worth the wait!

Bird-Seed Ornament
I found this idea at Saltwater-Kids, here. We love our feathered friends around here, as well as useful gifts. We also enjoy kid-friendly projects, and this is a great one. Isia was able to do most of the steps all-by-herself, which is very important around here!

Bird-Seed Ornament

Bird-Seed Ornament

Bird-Seed Ornament
We had a lot of fun picking out which cookie cutter shapes to use. Isia loved the hearts the best, and my favorite was the dinosaur. We didn't spray our cookie molds, but had no problems extracting the ornaments- even when we let them fully harden in the molds overnight instead of taking them out, as instructed, after two to three hours (Ahem). Luckily for us, our shapes were basic enough that we didn't have too much trouble and only lost a few. We'll definitely remember next time...

Bird-Seed Ornament
... and there will be a next time. They were so fun and easy to make that I think we'll be making them a lot this year, to give and to keep. And maybe even as stocking stuffers next Christmas, you never know!

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