Middle of the Week
By freshlyplanted - 3:49 PM

This middle of the week finds me...
...enjoying small signs of Spring: a timely bouquet of daffodils from a dear friend & melting snow.
...fortunate to be surrounded by a community that loves with their actions.
...reminding myself to pass that love on: meals and kiddo-watching mean so much these days.
...happy to be finished with Vernes and onto not one, but two books- The Journal of Best Practices
& Learning by Heart: Teachings to Free the Creative Spirit
...especially excited for Sister Corita's book. I was just introduced to this extraordinary artist by a recent Tinkerlab article, here.
...disappointed by our recent shaving cream egg experiment. Although it was lovely to mix the food coloring with the shaving cream, our hands ended up darker than our eggs!
...content with all the lovely paper we dyed with the shaving cream instead.
...deciding how to dye the rest of our eggs. (So many possibilities... so little time left.)
...collaborating with my Mama for the kiddo's Easter baskets this year, which I think is brilliant.
...including some fun kiddo toothbrushes, stickers, and- of course- glitter glue.
...wondering if we should include some magic jelly beans too?
How are you dyeing your Easter eggs this year?
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