A lot of our past summer days have been spent wrangling little bubble wands out of long bubble containers. Over and over I would hear, "Mama, help! I dropped it again!" So I would come to the rescue, during which we would usually end up wearing most of the bubble solution anyways. Someday I would love to sit down and help someone redesign those botttles, but in the meantime we've come up for a solution for ourselves. One that I hope might come in handy for you too!
Do you see those plastic handled mugs? They've been our saving grace. A staple of Cory's childhood, my mother-in-law passed them onto our family and they've already proven their worth. Handy for little hands to grasp, Unbreakable, and a much easier container for little hands to dip their bubble wands into. Being able to only pour a little solution in at a time also helps prevent us all from wearing it! (smile)
And they're handy to blow lots of bubbles out of too. Yes, they'll definitely be handy to have this summer. For bubble-blowing and drinking- with a good sound washing in-between!
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