This has been one of my favorite art times with the kids lately. It's an easy activity to sit down and get immersed in, which is a nice change from our busier summer pace. There were no clashes between the kiddos, and the act of tearing tape was a nice cathartic activity for everyone.

For this project we used painting tape & heavy cold-press watercolor paper
and painter's tape
which are favorite medias around here. I gave Isia large pieces of painter's tape to rip by herself, but I helped Billy by placing smaller pieces on his highchair first. Then he began the destructive work that he's so fond of these days. If I could only get him to focus all that ripping energy into art, and not all of his books (ahem).
Then it was time to do the best part, Painting. I don't worry about covering anything but clothes when we watercolor together. I have two old cardigans to put on them, backwards, and I keep a few spare towels around to mop up as we go. This set of Prang professional watercolor paint
has been in my media collection since college and we use it often. I love the ease, and minimal clean-up, of pan watercolors with kids- although I would like to try tube watercolors with them someday.

And the finished products! Billy (top) had no problem painting all over his painting, but Isia (bottom) was very particular about painting around her tape. It's so interesting to watch how each child interacts differently with the same art materials. When the paintings were dried, they had the best time tearing off the tape to reveal the finished product. Aren't they great? Usually I use their watercolor paintings as the basis for something
else- They make lovely cards!- but I'll be storing these away as is.
As Billy finished up his painting, I decided to join in the fun. With the selling of our duplex getting closer (fingers crossed) to being resolved, and all the appointments that have gone into making that so, it was necessary to find a few moments to stop and play!
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Disclaimer: Some of these links are Amazon affiliate links. If you use them to buy your supplies- at no extra cost to you- then a small portion of the sales comes to us for sharing what we love. Thank you for your support!
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