A (Belated) Easter Scrapbook
By freshlyplanted - 4:08 PM
This year, Easter sneaked up on me! Even though I was doing a Lenten study ("Lent for Everybody: Mark, Year B" by N.T Wright, amazing stuff), I kept putting off the actual preparations. I had blown the eggs already, but it wasn't until two days before Easter that any became decorated. We tried a myriad of methods but glitter glue, sharpie & pom-pom's were the decorations of choice.
Like this rabbit collaboration! Of course, he had a pom-pom tail too. There were also plastic eggs too, left behind by the Easter Bunny at my parents' house (wink).
Isia decided at once that those were the "real eggs" and wanted nothing to do with our home-made confetti ones. Billy had great fun with them though! He loved to "smash!" them on us (which meant crushing them with his chubby little hand then smearing the remains over our legs). So sweet.
There was also a cake. I don't know if there would have been a cake if I hadn't shown Isia the picture (straight out of Better Homes & Gardens) and seen her enthusiasm over the "bird's nest cake!" Fielding daily questions as to how long until I made the cake also helped to stoke my enthusiasm (smile).
So here it is:
So here it is:
While it tasted as good as it looked, I think decorated sugar cookies will be our only dessert next year. They transport so much easier, and everyone enjoyed them just as much!
Lastly, since one of us has to take the picture, rarely are we all in pictures at the same time. So I think this picture of all five of us might have been my best Easter gift of all.
Lastly, since one of us has to take the picture, rarely are we all in pictures at the same time. So I think this picture of all five of us might have been my best Easter gift of all.

Can you see all five of us? One of us might be a little hard to see until September... (hint, hint).
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