I had one simple ambition when I began knitting- that one day I'd be able to make clothing and socks. I love cozy, woolen socks. While I have (yet) to cast on anything sock-wise, this is happily the second vest I've completed. My first sweater vest went to a newborn friend who looked quite dashing in it, if I do say so myself. This one turned out pretty well too!
I first contemplated a cardigan for Isia, but was afraid of it snagging on her beloved trees during her active days. So a vest it was, and it fits her well. This is "Another Plain Vest" from Pickles, size 5/6 pattern. Not only does it give her room to grow, it was free! I liked it well enough that I'll probably buy the pattern anyways. The only bumps I ran into- entirely my fault- was reading the pattern wrong for the length (ahem) and the neckline. I finished it too tightly and it was not fitting over anyone's little head. Rather than unravel the straps and redo it entirely, I just re-knit one strap to add buttons (similar to the first sweater vest). It worked, and doesn't slow this little adventurer down a bit!

I'd like to make one for this little man next, but I'm waiting awhile to see how large I should make it first. He's been growing quickly these days. I might just end up making a 5/6 size for him too!
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