We are in the midst of some butterfly hatching (more to come on that front soon), and we made these in the midst of waiting for something- anything- to happen with the caterpillars. I think Isia was a bit incredulous that they actually would become butterflies, so we made these to remind ourselves they would be (smile).

They were so easy to make! We covered cardboard tube strips with washi tape first (like we did for this garland), then hole-punched two opposite holes on each strip before flattening them in the middle so the holes lined up. We threaded and knotted string through the holes of two strips to hold them together, then we inserted the body.
For the body, we folded a pipe-cleaner in half. We twisted the lower half of the pipe-cleaners for the bottom of the body. We then strung a bead on top of the pipe-cleaners (using both sides) for the head, before separating them out for the antennae. We twisted the antennae to help keep it secure.
For the body, we folded a pipe-cleaner in half. We twisted the lower half of the pipe-cleaners for the bottom of the body. We then strung a bead on top of the pipe-cleaners (using both sides) for the head, before separating them out for the antennae. We twisted the antennae to help keep it secure.

Close enough to the real thing to satisfy my littles for awhile. They're also a great addition to a spring mantle. We had ours hanging for a little bit, before little hands helped them "fly away." Next time, I'll remember to hang them higher!
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