It's been an adventure in homeschooling preschool this year! I've always considered, since she was a baby, our time together educational- since play is the best teacher of all- but I've worked on having more concentrated times of learning together as she's gotten older. Since we are planning to have her attend kindergarten in the fall (a daily debate in my head these days) we've been going through the Oak Meadows Kindergarten curriculum this year. I know many have opinions about when you should start kindergarten curriculum with kids, but it integrated perfectly into what we were already learning together. And it was free, since a gracious friend let us borrow it for the year! One of our favorite parts of the curriculum has been the fairy tales. We love the fairy tales book so much that I bought us our own copy, and returned our friend's back to her. This project was inspired by "The Story of Miss Moppet" by Beatrix Potter, which we studied for the letter M.

For our stage, I cut one of the sides off a cereal box. We made a curtain from an old (stained) shirt which we hot-glued to the front. Isia continued the backdrop with some decorations of her own. Washi tape and pen are favorite art tools around here right now!

May I introduce you to Miss Moppet and Mouse? We collaborated on Miss Moppet, but Mouse was entirely Isia's creation. I just helped a bit with Mouse's second ear, which she wanted to match her first one.
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