Creative Corners
By freshlyplanted - 7:00 AM
Even though we've been here for seven months now (where did the time go?), it's only lately started to feel like home. It's taken a long time to tie up these loose ends, unpack all these boxes, and reclaim our dumping ground basement for utilitarian use. And as we start to finish that unpacking process, with all the downsizing & minimizing that's come with it, it's been a great joy to start working on my favorite part: the corners. For really, I believe, it's the corners of a home that tells its stories. And it's great when those corners have a chance to speak for themselves, with a little help. So I created these creative corners last week, one for me and one for the littles.

Mine started with a thrifted frame, and the kids' began with the middle of the access panel in their room. I took the glass out of my frame first (carefully) and washed it to get it ready to paint. Then I painted both, while Billy napped and Isia caught a cartoon. A small quiet moment for everyone. I painted the first layer with horizontal strokes, let it dry, then followed it with a layer of vertical strokes. It's amazing to watch the layers meld together. For an even smoother surface, you can sandpaper between layers and at the end- but this was smooth enough for our purposes.

And then I reassembled them! I was really happy with how they turned out, especially the bright green frame for the kid's room. Isia picked out the green, and their bathroom (soon to be painted) will match. Let the creating begin!
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