We've made it past the Ides of March, and into the full embrace of Spring. While our lake is still stubbornly holding onto a thin layer of ice, it's getting thinner everyday. The bright green faces of our bulb shoots have burst through the soil, and we have a doe- heavy with child, we think- repeatedly nesting down on the other side of our shed. The time of rebirth is arriving, and it's always a welcome sight. One of Isia's favorite things to talk about right now is the seasons. And she always wants to know what my favorite season is. Which, honestly, tends to change with the season since I really do love them all. But spring, it really is my favorite. I love the heady, deep spring fragrances the best. And I adore its fleetingness. The blooms, the rain, the bright colorful world waking up and rubbing its eyes just happens for a moment- and then it's gone.
Just like the fog. It was heavy in our woods last week. Blocking out the sun, and causing school delays all around. We've recently studied clouds- to be shared soon, including directions for the sweet cloud book we made- so it was fun to talk to Isia about the stratus cloud that had come to stay.

Speaking of new beginnings, my first quilt has begun. While I've quilted pillow covers, I've never made a proper quilt. The inspiration for this one is my Dad's shoulders. Ever since his stroke, he has trouble staying warm. I asked him if a quilt for his shoulders would help, and he thought he might. So here I go! It should be a nice size when it's finished, around 16 inches by 48 inches. I am a little nervous, especially about the binding, but I'll just follow my favorite Alice in Wonderland quote:
“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely,
"and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
"and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
-Lewis Carroll
All the best projects begin & end this way (smile).
Wishing you a wonderful start to your week!
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