August 3, 2015

Homeschool: Year Four

Homeschooling: Year Four

I've had so many conversations about homeschooling this summer. Quite a few with good friends asking, "Did you expect to homeshool this long?" They're pretty sure of the answer, but want to check in anyways. I always share that I didn't, that this journey has surprised me too. Every year of homeschool has been a surprise in many ways, including the incredible blessing of being home another year. And what better way to drink in these days then with these littles that I love best? Last year I began Isia's kindergarten year with trepidation, wondering if being home was the best fit for her active personality. But as we traveled the year together, there were so many instances I saw her thriving at home: 

-holding her baby sister in the middle of the school day
-running around in the yard for hours after our morning lesson
-cooking us eggs and pancakes for breakfast
-wanting to help Billy with "his schooling"
-monitoring our dog's water & taking her for walks in the yard

And the list goes on. Every time Isia got excited about a project and spent all day on it- including drawing and copying birds out of our bird books- I was happy we were homeschooling. When we had the flexibility to travel up north and help my family after my father's stroke- I was happy we were homeschooling. When I was able to give her the chance to learn at her own speed, including the basics of multiplication & division, without having to hold her back for the sake of keeping the class together. Whenever she's able to rest and snack as needed instead of on a schedule. Even during the difficult days, when I wondered what I had gotten myself into- I was happy that we were in the middle of it together. 

I'm probably most pleased with how ingrained school is into our days, and into our family too. Isia's named our school, "The Treehouse School," and always shares with people- especially complete strangers- that she gets to go to school with her mama. Schooling is just naturally something we do together; I love the cohesiveness of that. We begin a new chapter this year with a second year of preschool for Billy, and a mobile- soon to be walking!- Esther Pearl. It's going to be a full year- which is the best kind (smile).

Wishing you & yours a good start to your school year!

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