October 28, 2015

Plastic Lid Pumpkin Suncatchers

I wasn't prepared for Isia's sweet words, "Mama, can we make something?" when friends came to play last week. While making wasn't in my plans, how could I possibly say no? So I scrambled head-first into our recycling bin and craft closet to see what I could find- coming up with these plastic lid suncatchers. Our friends loved them, and I think mine did too- they've been hanging in our window ever since (smile). They're made from plastic lids, which we have an endless supply of since we love oatmeal.

Pumpkin Suncatchers | Freshly Planted
After everyone got their own lid, we used Sharpies to draw on our faces. The Mamas drew face outlines for the littlest ones let them color it in, but you could have black paper pieces ready to glue on- if you're actually planning this ahead of time (wink). We then gave them paintbrushes and asked them to predict what color red and yellow would make together. Then each child got a squirt of each onto their plastic lid to see for themselves!

Sidenote: It's better to give more yellow than red. It's only takes a little red to turn yellow into orange since yellow if such a translucent pigment, but it takes loads of yellow to do the same to red. (You'll save yourself a lot of paint this way.)

Pumpkin Suncatchers | Freshly Planted
Then, to make the acrylic transparent, we squirted on a large dollop of glue to mix in with the orange. (Add more pigment to make a more opaque orange.) We moved them to cookie sheets to dry, which took a couple days. But when they do, they're lovely! I hot-glued a black pipecleaner loop on top, but a green ribbon would also be nice. 

Then the kids taped them up in the window, where they've been great company during our schooling and meals. I've not gotten around to a  lot of decorating this fall, so it's been extra-nice to have these. 

One more teacherly note: For large groups, I'd write the kids' names on the outer rim of the lids at the bottom. It won't distract from their pumpkin and it's easy to see.

If your family also loves oatmeal, you might enjoy one of these other plastic lid projects:

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Thanks for stopping by!
Pumpkin Suncatchers

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