February 2, 2016

Courage in 2016: February Goals

Courage in 2016: February Goals | Freshly Planted

Courage in 2016: February Goals | Freshly Planted

My main goal this year, as I talked about last month, is finding courage to start thriving in areas of my life where I've been treading water, especially this past year. 

Master Grocery List: One of those areas has been grocery-shopping. Since we live half-hour away from the grocery store, and forty-five minutes away from our wholesale club, I've begun putting off groceries until our pantry is overtaken with cobwebs. Luckily, I learned the art of making something out of nothing from a grand-mother who survived the Great Depression- but it hasn't been ideal. So I completed my master list last month, which also enabled me up to do the majority of our grocery shopping in one big Grocery Day with Cory's help. Success! It worked out so well, that we just did our second Grocery Day trip this past Sunday. I'll share more about my process soon. 

Linking Tags: If you click any of the tags at the top of the page, they will actually transport you somewhere instead of just dead space. Yippee! Now if I could just find a way to magically transport all our laundry directly into the washing machine...

Courage in 2016: February Goals | Freshly Planted


Editing Pictures: As I shared in this post, I've been applying "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" to my digital pictures with great results. Since I'm working on them in small chunks of time (see post), it's going to take awhile longer. But I'm feeling less frustrated, and more empowered, by the process. I also know I'll be able to find what I want to print & frame, which is an upcoming goal for another month.

Regular Posting: Getting better as I perfect the art of planning ahead (wink) I have high hopes for February! 

Oils Post: I have my first pictures taken, and hope to get this series started this week or next. I'll also include our homemade laundry detergent recipe, which several of you contacted me about after our Instagram picture. It's a good one, and I'm happy to share!

Courage in 2016: February Goals | Freshly Planted

Master Packing List: Almost done with this! Tweaking it and getting it ready to print. I'll probably also laminate it because I love my new laminator (and I know that I'll have to keep re-printing it otherwise!).

Esther's Baby Book: I put all the pictures for it in a safe place... which means I was only able to find them again a few days ago. Almost done with this too. 

Christmas Memories Book: Waiting to get one last picture printed out. Almost done. 

Sewing Projects: Not even started! I forgot that I have an online grad class to get finished by the end of next month, so that took priority. As soon as it's done, and I've bought more red thread, these will get started.

New Goals:
Finish Bird Unit: Isia & I are reading "The Burgess Bird Book for Children" together and adding to her main lesson book as we go. I think we'll be able to wrap it up in February, and go a different direction in March. 

Finish Two Books: I'm halfway done with "Traveling Mercies" (my third time reading it in the past fifteen years), and reading to move onto "Wonder" next. 

Don't forget to check out the Monthly Goal linky party below, for more great goals and ideas. 
If you have a blog post to link up with your own goals, we'd love to have you! 

*Find more Creative Ideas on our Facebook page & Pinterest boards.
Thank you for visiting!

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