February 18, 2016

Art Study: Pieter Bruegel, part 2

::This is a continuation of yesterday's post on Pieter Bruegel, so make sure you start there if you haven't already. There's another project, and helpful background information on Bruegel as well::

Our next art time together, we did a different style of winter painting. To prepare for class, I experimented with painting two types of "snow paint" onto aluminum foil. The left is a recipe of white acrylic and glue, the right is white acrylic and dish soap. While they both held onto the foil when dry, then right held up a tad bit better, especially when the foil was folded in the middle. It was also easier to paint with! 

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Pieter Bruegel the Elder | Freshly Planted

To prepare for our snow scenes, we reviewed Bruegel's paintings then the kids drew winter pictures of their own. We encouraged them to fill the page, which they did wonderfully. After their pictures were finished, we washi-taped them onto a prepared piece of foil. I love using cardboard for art projects. We used cereal cardboard for our first Bruegel art project, then used a piece of box cardboard with foil wrapped over it & stapled for this one.

Pieter Bruegel the Elder | Freshly Planted
The kids traced their pictures, still washi-taped so they wouldn't move, with a sharp pencil onto their foil canvas. If they pressed hard, the foil held the tracings very nicely. To make sure all areas are traced well, kids might need a little adult help. Using a colored pencil to trace over a pencil drawing also helps make sure everything gets traced. 

Everyone then removed their drawings and went over their tracings with Sharpies, coloring in areas of their drawings and adding additional details. While the kids are very generous about sharing Sharpies, I need to buy more for our art classes. We're using them a lot lately! Don't they look so pretty & jewel-like on the foil? 
Pieter Bruegel the Elder | Freshly Planted

Then we added our snow paint on top of our drawings. To make our snow paint, each kid got a plastic bowl with a medium squirt of white acrylic paint and a small squirt of blue Dawn dishsoap (although any dishsoap will likely work). The dishsoap also helps thin the paint, so a little goes a long way! 
Pieter Bruegel the Elder | Freshly Planted

Pieter Bruegel the Elder | Freshly Planted
If anyone has a picture with sky, encourage them to leave it unpainted. I adore this foil sky with the snowy hills under it! 

These are all of our Bruegel art projects. We have done more snow painting since class though, my kids love painting on foil now. And Isia ended up re-doing her Bruegel painting, which I'll share in a future Treehouse School Review once it's finished. While her first painting was fine, she- without any prompting from me- decided she could do a nicer job since "I know how to now." Intrinsic motivation is a beautiful thing!

Other Artists we've studied: 

*Please note that cardboard isn't archival, so these won't last for hundreds of years. But a picture is! So I'd recommend taking pictures to keep these artworks around that long or using a different sturdy material as your surface- bristol board would work nicely. 

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