March 15, 2016

A Waldorf Year Poem

Spring has bloomed around our woods! Many springs ago, when Isia was almost two, she adopted the little spring crocuses outside our doorstep as her "babies." We couldn't leave our house, or return to it, without her toddler self insisting on bending down and kissing those flowers. If we had longer, then she would sit down and talk awhile while petting them with chubby fingers. That was three houses and two siblings ago, but she's still enchanted with spring flowers. Her favorite part of this year's blooms has been sharing them with Esther. She's had so much fun teaching Esther how to touch them carefully, and smell them, too!

Spring Songs & Fingerplays
Esther is delighted with them, and enjoys toddling around our woods with Mama looking for more. There's much to see and her bright blue eyes miss very little. It's a joy to walk through these seasons with my kids, and discover together the special qualities each month holds. For example, this poem perfectly describes March to me: 

March is an in-between month
when wintry winds are high.
But milder days remind us all
spring's coming by and by!

That's true for us this year as well! March is definitely as "in-between" month, starting with snow and ending with sunshine & flowers. Here is the whole poem, which we'll be studying in homeschool together. It's a good one! 

"Through the Year"

New Year's resolutions--
to do just what we should--
It's good to try to keep them,
and if we could, we would!

In February, valentines
are so much fun to share.
How nice it is to tell someone
you really, truly care.

March is an in-between month
when wintry winds are high.
But milder days remind us all
spring's coming by and by!

When spring returns again each year,
it makes the world brand new
With blossoms, flowers, and baby things,
and sunny skies of blue.

April is a rainbow month
of sudden springtime showers
Bright with golden daffodils
and lots of pretty flowers.

May's a month o happy sounds--
the hum of buzzing bees,
The chirp of little baby birds,
and the song of a gentle breeze.

June's the time for gardening,
for outside work and play.
It's such a sunny, friendly month,
we wish that it would stay.

Summer is a lazy time
for sitting in the shade,
For picnics, going fishing,
or just sipping lemonade.

July's a very special month--
it's when we celebrate
The birthday of our country
and the things that make it great.

August brings soft, quiet days
for carefree summer fun--
For storing up sweet memories
and lots of summer sun.

September means it's time again
for going off to school.
The days are getting shorter
and the nights are turning cool.

Autumn paints the pretty leaves
in colors warm and bright.
Brown and red and yellow-gold
make such a lovely sight.

What to be for Halloween--
a gypsy or a bride?
A witch or scary goblin?
It's not easy to decide!

November is Thanksgiving time,
there's such a lot to do--
Now don't forget he turkey
and all the trimmings too.

It's hard to think of anything
but Christmas in December
There's so much to look forward to--
and so much to remember.

Snowmen, sledding, skating
are lots and lots of fun.
They make the winter season
an especially happy one.

From "A Treasury of Holly Hobby"
Published by Oppenheimer Publishers, 1978-1979

Isn't that a lovely way to look at a year? And what quick ones they are! While the days can be long, these years are certainly short- especially for how much they hold. That's a lesson I'm learning over and over, especially as the little girl who once cooed over flowers is now a big girl who can read about them. 

Speaking of little girls, I'm excited to see what adventures await this smile this year...

Spring Songs & Fingerplays

Spring Songs & Fingerplays

And these curls, too!

Wishing you a beautiful beginning to your spring!

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