April 4, 2016

Courage in 2016: April Goals

Courage in 2016: April

How are your monthly goals going? Have you decided on a word for the year, yet? My year of Courage continues! One of the biggest personal challenges for me so far has been making time to reflect and goal plan. It's so easy for me to get on autopilot, then be surprised that I've not accomplished anything beyond housecleaning and homeschooling. Which are important things, don't get me wrong, but they're not always soul-feeding (especially when laundry's involved).

So I've been making goals to help my personal growth, so I can continue the important work of growing the littles around me. I'm also writing my goals in pencil- which is very irritating to my inner perfectionist. My inner perfectionist would make unnecessary sacrifices (like never, ever sleeping) to get the whole list checked off and filed away. I'm learning, however, that everything will never get accomplished in my world. It just won't. And if it does, it will be quickly be replaced by a new list of everything. It's the nature of my life right now. So here are the goals that I'm whittling away at this month, and I'd love to hear what you're whittling away at in the comments as well. If you dream & create via blog, as so many of us do, than we'd love for you to link up your post at the very bottom. Happy April!

Goals for this month:
  • Finish Chapter 5 in the Burgess Book for Children: Can we just laugh together that I thought we'd finish the book this school year? I somehow didn't realize there were 45 chapters (wink). 
  • Begin nature journaling for Treehouse School this month: New nature sketchbooks arrived in Isia & Billy's Easter baskets, and I'm so excited to get started! 
  • Complete ONE sewing project: Ideally, this will include a project or two out of my mending basket- which is overflowing at the moment.
  • Basement Construction Underway: We're starting work on the basement soon, after our septic flood at the end of February. I'm keeping my goals light so there's room for basement-related tasks as they come up. We're contracting most of the work (thanks to insurance), but there are still things we'll need to do such as down-sizing everything that was in storage and painting. 

    Courage in 2016: April

    2016 Completed Goals:
    • Read 1.75 books in March: "The Storied Life of A.J Fikry" & 2/3 of "Legend"
    • Master Packing Lists for Adults & Kids
    • Master Shopping List & Monthly Meal Plan
    • Using my new method to edit & file away all of our 500+ Photos from 2014
    • Working tags at the top of Freshly Planted homepage
    • Posting more than once a week! 
    • Completed Christmas Memory Book for 2015
    • Completed Christmas Skirt Embroidery of Kid Hands for 2015
    • Completed Esther's Baby Book
    Don't forget to check out the Monthly Goal linky party below, for more great goals and ideas. 
    If you have a blog post to link up with your own goals, we'd love to have you! 

    *Find more Creative Ideas on our Facebook page & Pinterest boards.
    Thank you for visiting!

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