May 4, 2016

Middle of the Week





This middle of the week finds me...

...excited to be doing Middle of the Week's again (smile).

...amazed at Billy's recent block tower creations!

...confident that his linguistic intelligence (i.e. phonics) will someday catch up with his visual/spatial and bodily-kinesthetic prowess. 

...referencing the above quote often as he & I navigate this together (wink). 

...happy that Isia & I have only two weeks left of Oak Meadow's First Grade curriculum. 

...pumped to be starting our summer vacation as the same time as Cory. Yay!

...wondering how much curriculum to keep going over the summer?

...contemplating Handwriting Without Tears as morning warm-ups together. 

...thankful we already have these workbooks, too. Easy peasy. 

...confessing that I'm not a huge workbook fan, but appreciate them for quick skill practice.

...reading "Green, Crafty, & Creative" and "Tinkerlab" for low-prep creative inspiration, too. 

...catching-up on our weaving & handwork school goals as we move into summer. (Perfect for car trips!)

...watching Esther model what she sees us do most- read! This makes my Mama heart happy. 

Wishing you a great middle of your week!

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