June 6, 2016

Courage in 2016: June Goals

Hello, sunshine! While we spent the beginning of May knee-deep in rain, the beginning of June has been beautiful. Gorgeous warm days, perfect concluding our homeschooling & welcoming summer. As we start summer, I'm aspiring to make sure it's refreshing to all of us. This has meant no curriculum for the past week, lots of time outside, and a few small trips. As well as lots of meals on our deck!

Some things I've enjoyed
  • "The Cultivated Mother" via the At Home podcast. This podcast has the homeschool mama in mind, but is great for any mama trying to find "me time." So good!
  • "All Year Round" as I begin dreaming up next year's curriculum. Please note I said dreaming, not planning (wink). I'd love to include more festivals in our yearly rhythm, and I've been enjoying reading about these. It also has Waldorf crafts, which I want to focus on, too.
Upcoming Goals: 
  • Enjoy Summer!  Including ice cream for dinner at least once a week, and lots of beach time.
  • Sewing: Sew a few more doll clothes, and other sewing projects I've been dreaming about. 
  • Basement Construction- Still waiting for construction to begin. On a good note, our second appraisal for insurance went well & it should be restored even better than it was before the septic flood. And my patience muscle is getting a great work-out! 

Completed Goals from April & May:
  • Sewing projects: My mending basket is (almost) empty, and Billy's footed pajamas no longer have holes. His Waldorf baby also has his first set of clothes since I made him two- three?- years ago.
2016 Completed Goals:
  • Master Packing Lists for Adults & Kids
  • Master Shopping List & Monthly Meal Plan
  • Using my new method to edit & file away all of our 500+ Photos from 2014
  • Working tags at the top of Freshly Planted homepage
  • Posting more than once a week! 
  • Completed Christmas Memory Book for 2015
  • Completed Christmas Skirt Embroidery of Kid Hands for 2015
  • Completed Esther's Baby Book

Don't forget to check out the Monthly Goal linky party below, for more great goals and ideas. 
If you have a blog post to link up with your own goals, we'd love to have you! 
*Find more Creative Ideas on our Facebook page & Pinterest boards.
Thank you for visiting!

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