October 12, 2016

Treehouse School: Fall Break

On Homeschool Mondays, I'll be sharing a glimpse into our schoolroom and what we're working on. This year we have a Second-grader, a Kindergartner, and a Toddler in our classroom. 

Part of homeschool this year has been adjusting to Cory's increased work responsibilities with his promotion to administrator. We're both good at keeping our plates spinning- and there are definitely more plates this year- so it was fantastic to get last week off together. Of course, this didn't mean that Cory didn't go into work at all, but there were sleepy mornings, brunch- my most favorite meal, and field trips. Because, as I've learned, homeschooling doesn't stop for vacation- it just gets moved to various locations (wink).

Our favorite field trip was this Touch-A-Truck event. I can't believe that I've had kids for seven years and never been to one before! Just Google "Touch-A-Truck" with your area to find one. I have to admit that I enjoyed this one as much as the kids, especially the book-mobile. Who doesn't love a good book-mobile? There were also police cars, a digger that they operated with assistance, as a well as a helicopter, tow truck, semi truck, SWAT van, fire truck, school bus, and many more. It was such a generous morning, with the respective operators talking to the kids and answering questions about their craft. It was sweet to watch them bend down to answer even the littlest question!

If you do attend one, I recommend going as early as you can. Lucky for us, we went with a seasoned professional- the lovely Mama of these little friends. She had us arrive about ten minutes before it officially opened, when everything was set up and it was practically empty. Which meant that we got to enjoy these trucks before the crowds arrived- so smart!

Treehouse School: Fall Break

Treehouse School: Fall Break
He wants to be "a construction guy" when he grows up!
Since we're in a schooling rhythm again, there were small home lessons as well. It makes our life easier to not completely abandon this rhythm, and we miss them when they're absent. As I was sharing with a friend, when we're asked the question, "When do you do school?" it's so much easier to answer when we aren't doing school- when we're sleeping! A homeschooling gift is that our kids don't see learning constrained to a room with walls and desks. They expect it to happen everyday- wherever they are- and this doesn't stop on breaks.

Treehouse School: Fall Break
It was a nice break & start to our Fall curriculum. The leaves are starting to change in our woods, which means it's extra nice to spread our wings- and spin our plates- before we begin nesting process for winter. 

Are there other Fall field trips you'd recommend? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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